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Clay Trauernicht

Program Lead

I am an Assistant Specialist in the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.  My scientific interests revolve around the application of quantitative ecology and remote sensing to understand how people and climate influence the dynamics of tropical forest and savanna ecosystems, especially through fire.  In addition to many years of botanical and ecological fieldwork, I have published and presented on plant community ecology and population modeling, geospatial analyses of fire and species occurrence, and the use of local knowledge to adapt management strategies and inform research needs.


My current program focuses on improving wildland fire management in Hawaii and the Pacific with a strong emphasis on science extension and communication.  I am the project leader for the Pacific Fire Exchange, part of the Joint Fire Science Program’s nationwide Fire Science Exchange Network.  I am currently working with the Pacific Island Climate Change Cooperative to extend climate science resources to Cooperative Extension programs throughout the Pacific Island region.


I am also a husband, father of two amazing girls, and a geek about natural history, languages, wooden instruments, and wave riding.



PhD in Plant Science, University of Tasmania

MS in Botanical Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa

BS in Biology, University of Denver

Dept. of Natural Resources & Environmental Management

University of Hawaii at Manoa

1910 East-West Rd 101

Honolulu, HI, 96822



Phone: 808-956-6875

Office: Sherman Labs 210

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